Humanity on Set is the name of a film leadership program recently created by veteran film producer Gary Foster and leadership expert Eileen Coskey Fracchia to train producers and directors on how to run film sets effectively and with respect. Foster’s film and television screen credits include Sleepless in Seattle, Ghost Rider, Community and Tin Cup and he’s worked with cast and crew on a plethora of film sets and witnessed all kinds of bad behavior – including temper tantrums, passive-aggressive tactics and meltdowns. Humanity on Set (HoS) plans to integrate coaching and leadership philosophies with diversity and inclusion practices to bring about positive societal and cultural change in the…
Use the “sharing economy” for your film
Producers are always mindful of how best to stretch the budget to accommodate the creative vision and practical requirements for any film production. The sharing economy is especially helpful in several areas of film budget to maximizing your money. Below is a breakdown of how to use it for some of the key budget line items: Vehicles, Locations/Spaces and Art department materials. Vehicles Car rental companies have been around for decades and have epitomized the sharing economy way before it was even a word. The best known companies in the U.S. are Avis, Hertz, Budget and Enterprise. They all have memberships and rewards programs and I highly recommend you take…
Craft services 101
Long before Google provided free micro-roasted coffee, or WeWork offered complimentary refreshing fruit water to their workers, the film industry created “craft services.” Every film set has a table (or sometimes a food truck) nearby that is filled with various drinks and snacks to “service the crafts” who are working hard on the film. Craft services keeps everyone hydrated and sated and each production offers their own version based on budget, logistics, tradition and more. I’ve always thought of it as a bastion of civility so I thought I’d write about it. (Affliate links below) What are the factors that feed (pun intended) into the craft services for your production?…
What the hell do they do? Producers
This is the first in a series of posts that will define and highlight different job positions in the film industry. We are starting this monthly series with the Producer job because a) it’s the focus of this whole website and b) it’s probably the job that the most people can’t really explain what the hell they do! The simple answer I often give is Producers make it all happen. Without a producer you really can’t get a project done. Have you ever tried to make a film without a producer? It doesn’t work. I guess I’m a little biased but I’ve watched directors try to direct and produce and…
Welcome to Producer to Producer
Welcome to the website – a place to focus on issues and topics that support independent film producing. This is a hub to share reliable and relevant information to foster excellent work and cultivate positive values for the independent film community. Subjects pertaining to practical production and creative collaboration are at the forefront of what will be discussed and explored on this platform. Enjoy!